Frequently Asked Questions!

What are the benefits of using the State-wise MBBS/BDS Counselling eBook 2024?

  • Saves you time and stress by providing all crucial counselling information in one place.
  • Helps you understand the complex counselling process, increasing your chances of securing a seat.
  • Empowers you to make informed decisions about your medical education with detailed college data.

How can the eBook help me understand the NEET UG counselling process better?

  • Provides a step-by-step breakdown of the entire counselling process, from eligibility to seat allotment.
  • Clearly explains key terms, procedures, and important dates.
  • Offers insights and analysis based on previous years’ counselling trends.

What kind of information can I find in the eBook about different medical colleges?

  • Detailed profiles for each college, including fees, seat availability, bond details, and more.
  • Information on infrastructure, faculty, and other important factors to consider.
  • Past years’ cutoff trends to assess your chances of admission.

How accurate is the information provided in the eBook about cutoff trends?

  • We use official data and historical analysis to provide the most accurate cutoff predictions.
  • However, please note that cutoffs can vary each year based on various factors. The eBook is intended as a guide and not a guarantee of admission.

Does the eBook provide any tips or strategies for successful NEET UG counselling?

  • Yes! You’ll find expert advice on choice filling, document verification, and navigating different counselling rounds

Is the eBook updated with the latest information on NEET UG counselling?

  • Absolutely! We constantly update the eBook to reflect the most recent guidelines, deadlines, and announcements from relevant authorities.

Purchasing & Access:

  • How can I purchase the State-wise MBBS/BDS Counselling eBook 2024?
    • You can purchase the eBook securely through our website using [list accepted payment methods – e.g., credit card, debit card, UPI, net banking].
  • Is there a refund policy for the eBook?
    Check the Refund Policy Here
  • In what format is the eBook available?
    • The eBook is available in PDF format.
  • Can I access the eBook on multiple devices?
    • Yes, once you download the eBook, you can access it on multiple devices like your laptop, tablet, or smartphone.


  • Who can I contact if I have questions about the eBook or the counselling process?
    • Our dedicated support team is available at to assist you with any queries.
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